Monday, October 19, 2009

John Mayer: 'Who Says' & 'Battle Studies'

The new John Mayer single Who Says  starts just about every verse with the line "Who says I can't get stoned." It will be interesting to see how it plays on radio. I can't imagine a filler line for "stoned," let me know if you guys come up with anything. My guess is he'll do for marijuana what the Black Eyed Peas did for lady humps and Katy Perry for kissing girls. More power to him. Controversy aside, the song is really quite beautiful. It reminds me of a James Taylor style slow jam. In fact, I'd love to hear a James Taylor cover of the song immediately.

Speaking of covers, check out the album cover for John Mayer's album Battles Studies (left). At first I was thinking, "Oh, it's a joke." And then I realized, "No. It is not." But of course, it is a joke, he just doesn't seem to be in on it.

Either way, I've pre-ordered the album on vinyl. It was supposed to be released before Thanksgiving but now has a December 1st release date. This would be the time to make a joke about Mr. Mayer's lazy ways, but I'm sure every other media outlet will have a field day with that so I'll just leave them to their cheap ways.

Below is the video for Who Says:

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