Friday, September 25, 2009

Hyped for 'Bright Star'

I'm really excited to see Bright Star. It opens on 100 screens this weekend. I'll be in front of at least one of them.

I'm a sucker for great romances and this has all the trappings of a flowers in bloom, this-is-what-love-really-is spectacle. I'll wait until I see the damn thing before I go on too much, but let me make my gripe: The problem with nearly every romance film released nowadays is that the studio is using sex (The Notebook), people dying (The Notebook) or distracting old couples who aren't important to the central story (Hat Trick: The Notebook) to market their film when the selling point should be, "We're gonna watch two people fall in love because love's awesome."

The line that got me from the trailer is at the 2:00 mark when Ben Whishaw leans into Paul Schneider telling him: "There is a holiness to the heart's affections, you know nothing of that." It's like, what's good Notebook?

"I wrote you everyday for a year."

Nick Cassavettes ain't no Jane Campion like Noah Calhoun ain't no John Keats.

Ya'll better see Bright Star this weekend. Your heart will thank you.

Here's that trailer I promised you:

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