Friday, September 25, 2009

Fish Tank Trailer Hits

I was not a big fan of Andrea Arnold's Red Road, a film that won the Jury Prize at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival. I thought it was too much of a Dardenne brothers knock-off, but the critics loved it. During many write-ups for Ms. Arnold's new film, Fish Tank, people kept reminding readers how good Red Road was. So maybe I don't know anything. Anne Thompson liked Red Road (I'm fairly certan, I hope I didn't 'Gavin Smith' her by writing that) and she certainly loved Michael Fassbender's performance in Fish Tank.

The trailer looks decent enough. Not sure how I feel about the "Academy Award-Winning Director Andrea Arnold." She won it for a short film.

I'm just saying.

All the same, it's no small trick getting one of those. There are a lot more shorts made than features, too. On second thought, wear that Academy Award-Winning label with pride, Ms. Arnold.

A lot of back-tracking in this post.

Here's the trailer:

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