Friday, September 25, 2009

Michael Chabon, author of Mysteries of Pittsburgh (my favorite book of all-time, recently adapted into an 'Eh'-fest by filmmaker Rawson Marshall Thurber) and the Pulitzer-prize winning The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, is about to be doing some publicity for his new book, Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son (which you can pre-order on right here).

His website (, obvi?) has a Calendar that lists all of the places he is going to be in the upcoming months for book signings and such. He's got events scheduled as far ahead as a year. (You're in for a treat Columbia, South Carolina - on October 20th, 2010!)

He also does the reading of the audiobook. There's an LP listing, too. I thought it was the book on record.

Large Print.


Also, the picture of him above is on his website, so I didn't search for one to make him look... a certain way. I think it's a great picture.

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